Summer in Denmark 2012

I am now in Denmark and as a Dane I just have to comment on the weather as this is always one of the most talked about subjects in Denmark! Somewhat more chilly than hot and humid Kuala Lumpur, despite or maybe because of that, I am still enjoying my time here. So far at the time of writing I have experienced a lovely hot Summer’s day and a cold rainy day in Copenhagen.

Shortly I will be on the way to Jylland, more specifically to Fur where I have the most lovely artist home in an old house from 1885. It’s in the middle of nowhere (almost) with a wonderful view over fenne and fjord and a peek towards the old Vitskoel Kloster (monastery). It was bought when I was still in my Mum’s tummy by my artist Granddad as his Summerhouse… he bought it because the light is so special on Fur amongst others and it’s a great place to create art. I am so proud to be able to continue in his and my Mum’s footsteps! Please drop by if you are in the vicinity of Fur but do give me a buzz first.

This year I will be participating in 2 group exhibitions and you are invited to come and join at the opening party… or you can of course drop by any time at your convenience if you happen to be in Denmark. For both exhibitions I am joining the artist group

Vernisage in Kulturspinderiet, Silkeborg on 6 July!

The first exhibition I will be part of is in Kulturspinderiet in in the old Papirfabrikken (paper factory) in Silkeborg. It should be a rather big exhibition as it’s a spacious exhibition hall. I will bring several paintings for this exhibition but
how many exactly I still don’t know as the group of artists haven’t got the overview yet. But please come and join the fun:

Opening party:             Friday 6 July 2012  at 16.00 hrs to 19.00 hrs
Exhibition Duration:      6 July to 16 July 2012
Opening Hours:           10.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs daily
Address:                      Kulturspinderiet, Papirfabrikken 32, 8600 Silkeborg

See location on Google maps:

If you can’t attend the opening party then feel free to come any othe day. Best to give me a buzz on my Danish mobile (please send a mail to get the no.) as I will only be there on some days… if you want to meet up and have a chat.

Vernisage in Fur Forsamlingshus on 15 July!

The second exhibition is the annual Summer Exhibition and as usual it will take place on the island itself. I will apparently only be allowed to show one piece of art but this should mean that it’s
a pretty exciting exhibition with a lot of variety. If you haven’t been to Fur yet, I highly recommend a visit and please do prepare to spend the whole day to go around on Fur to get the most our of your day on the island. It’s after dubbed the most beautiful island in Denmark!

Opening party:                 Sunday 15 July at 14.00 hrs
Exhibition Duration:         15 July to 3 August 2012
Opening Hours:               13.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs daily
Address:                          Fur Forsamlingshus, Nr. Madsbadvej, 7884 Fur

If you can’t attend the opening party then feel free to come any other day. Just give me a buzz on my Danish mobile (e-mail me to get the no) if you are coming before 18 July so we can meet up as my holiday in Denmark soon will come to an end by then.

Training DVD and workbook in the making…

Life is hectic and fun at the moment because not only am I participating on two exhibitions in Denmark over the Summer, I am also in the middle of producing my first training DVD and workbook! I am happy to work together with a good editor and from what I can see, the DVD will be very professionally made. The workbook is still in the making as well but I have also taken on board a graphic designer so the looks should be sleek! More news on this after my Summer break.

Preparing my first Art Ts!
I always saw my art on clothing, I think it’s a great way of spreading joyful and colourful energy. This vision of mine is now becoming a reality with the first two Art Ts in the making. I am very excitedabout this and I am awaiting the first samples soon… you will have to wait to see the designs I am afraid.

The Expat Art Exhibition is happening!

I am so happy to now have secured a collaboration with the Expat Magazine about making this exhibition a reality. It all started when I saw the most perfect space for an art exhibition but realistically I would not be able to fill it on my own… so why not create a large group exhibition?
I worked on the idea and realised that there has never been an expatriate art exhibition in Malaysia. The obvious was therefore to create the first exhibition in Malaysia with resident expatriate artists.
Since then I have been talking to a number of Ambassadors who all love the idea of cultural exchange in this format. Best of all, I have the Expat Magazine as my partner in organising this event. The magazine is the premier magazine in Malaysia targetting the expatriate market and they have always been into supporting up and coming local artists. For them it was the obvious expansion of horizons to collaborate on my project… and work is in progress, slowly but surely.
We are still trying to finalise the most perfect venue and a good date.We are hoping for November 2012. At the same time, we are working on locating resident expatriate artists so if you know of any living in
Malaysia who might be interested please let them contact me. I will let you know more as things progress.

In the meantime, enjoy life and may colour and creativity become a fabulous part of your life!

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