Can you paint a feeling?

Many people tell me that they would like to paint… and they often feel inspired to paint a flower, a view and more naturalistic motives but that they don’t have the technique to do so. That’s why they give up before they start and never get around to paint!

So my question to you is: Why not paint the feeling of the flower, of the view or whatever it is that you want to portray? If you paint the feeling instead of the image of your motive there will be no judgment. How can there because nobody knows what your feelings look like… only you know what it feels like and therefore what it should look like.

This also means that ANYBODY can paint… you need no skill to enjoy creative expression!

I know that this sounds a bit abstract to some people… because often we don’t even know HOW to express our feelings with words so then how can we express it with painting? Well, my best advice is stop the thinking and let the subconscious take control when just painting by using colours and shapes and forms that appear in front of you as you paint. Then I am sure that you will get very close to the feeling you want to express.

If you need a little help then see if you can find a piece of music to listen to while you paint !

If you need more help, let me know so I can inform you when my new complete training programme with DVDs and a workbook is available. Here I will step-by-step guide you to set yourself free in creative terms with painting… and many of the principles I teach can be used in other parts of life too! Sign up for my mailing list and you will be one of the first to know!

And here’s an example of me painting my feelings:

Here is the painting of my feelings of my upcoming birthday created to a freestyle rap by The Rapping Professor.



















Together with The Rapping Professor I decided to paint the feelings of my upcoming birthday and my planned birthday party while he did a freestyle rap. It was so much fun… and I personally think that my feelings came out nicely in the painting. Do you like the feelings I am displaying?

If you happen to like the painting it’s because you like the feelings of love, giving, seaside fun, togetherness, freedom and joy! There you have it… you can paint your feelings too!